Since 2003, Xiamen International Marathon has been held annually for eleven consecutive years. It is deemed as IAAF Gold Label Road Race for consecutively eight years. Every January, the first medal of marathon race around the world is awarded here. The race has become a golden name card of Xiamen City, showing its splendor to the whole world. Attending the Xiamen International Marathon Race would be a lifetime experience for you while you traveling in
Xiamen, if you are a enthusiastic runner.
Xiamen Huandao Road is the main track of Xiamen International Marathon. It is regarded as the world's most beautiful marathon racing track. Running along the road, racers can not only enjoy the stunning seaside views, but also mountains, historical sites, local villages, hanging bridges, large square and some fascinating places here.

Xiamen International Marathon Race
•How to sigh up for Xiamen International Marathon Race?
There are three ways for you to sigh up for the race: Online entry, site entry or through travel agencies.
•How much does it cost?
Domestic racer (Hong Kong and Maucau included): RMB 80 per pax for full-marathon; RMB 50 per pax for half-marathon.
Students entries by team registration (30 or above): 40 RMB per pax
Abroad: USD 30 per pax for full-marathon; UDS 20per pax for other events.
•Route of Marathon (2015)

Xiamen International Marathon Race
•Full Marathon (42.195km)
the entrance of Wutong Lighthouse Park (The Start)→East Huandao Road→North Huizhan Road →Huizhan Road→South Huizhan Road→South Huandao Road→South Yunding Road (to the North)→South Yunding Road (to the South)→South Huandao Road→Baicheng Footbridge (turning point)→South Huandao Road→South Huizhan Road→Huizhan Road→North Huizhan Road→East Huandao Road→the entrance of Wutong Lighthouse Park (The Finish)
•Half Marathon(21.0975km)
the entrance of Wutong Lighthouse Park (The Start)→East Huandao Road→ North Huizhan Road →Huizhan Road→South Huizhan Road→South Huandao Road→South Yunding Road (to the North)→South Yunding Road (to the South)→South Huandao Road→Intersection of Longhushan Road (The Finish)

Xiamen International Marathon Race