Xishuangbanna Tropical Plants Garden (Chinese name: 西双版纳热带植物园) was built in 1959, is the biggest and richest botanical garden in China nowadays. Since 1996, this garden combined with former Kunming Ecological Research Institute, formed an independent research institution attached to Chinese Academy of Science. With the time goes by, it becomes a comprehensive garden that combined research, preservation and education of tropical plants together.

The main tasks of this garden are exploitation to the resources of tropical plants and bio-diversity conservation. A vast expanse of rainforest has been well preserved in this 900 hectares land. Hundreds of thousands tropical plants from home and abroad are planted separately in 35 specified gardens – Palm Garden, Banyan Tree Garden, Dracaena Draco Garden and Cycas Revoluta Garden, etc.
Xishuangbanna Tropical Plants Garden has established relationship with over 50 counties worldwide, and its international influence moves up gradually. Now, it is the National Education Base of Science and the National Tourism Spot.