In the ancient time, jade can be taken as a treasure of tremendous value and a symbol of one's social status. Beijing jade ware can be divided into the big size and the small size. The big size jade ware is carved into tea sets, figures and vases. The small size is carved into rings, necklaces and stamps. The latter one is easily to carry and good as a souvenir.
The word "jade" was generated in the ancient words of our country. The number of word connected with "jade" is near five hundred. And the treasures of Chinese all were connected with jade. Jade is the word that is nice and magnificent. There are many ancient poems which parable fine man or matter as jade.
Beijing Jade craft is well-known in China for a long time. Beijing Jade wares are usually made with exquisite workmanship and beautiful shapes. The common material includes white jade, jasper, agate, crystal, amethyst, crystal, turquoise, etc.
Jade Ware
Where to Buy Beijing Jade Ware
There are a couple of jade markets where you can buy Beijing Jade.
• Panjiayuan Antique Market
Address: west of Panjiayuan Bridge and south of the East Third Ring Road
• Beijing Xin Jie Kou
Address: Near Xizhimen, Xicheng District
• Beijing international jewelry trading center
Addresss: Hui Xin Dong Street, Chaoyan District
Jade Ware
From on request
From $ 277
From on request