Beijing Jinshanling Great Wall Travel Guide
Post Time: Oct 09 2011 By
Sophie Huang
On the road from Beijing to Chengdu, people can see a section of the Great Wall which played a very important role during the ancient time. This section is situated along mountains on the boundary of Beijing Miyun County and Hebei Luanping County. Magnificent walls along the range of mountain and facing to the river, this section forms a pass which was easily to defend but hard to attack. The pass, now, is called Gubeikou as a part of
Jinshanling Great Wall. After researches from TCT
China Tour Operatpr, here is a brief information about Jinshanling Great Wall.
Jinshanling Great Wall is named because it is built on Jinshanling Mountain. The mountain is a branch of Yanshan Range. Located on the northeastern Beijing, this Great Wall spreads from Gubeikou to Hualougou Valley in Luanping County, Hebei. Wuling Mountain in the east, Wohu Valley in the west, and the capital in the south, this geography makes Jinshanling Mountain as the unique route to enter into the capital in the ancient battle field.
Jinshanling Great Wall is more than 20km long and built by the famous figures Qi Jiguang in Ming Dynasty. Compared with the Badaling Section, Jinshanling Section is more magnificent. Aiming to function as a key defense place, the great wall is built along the dangerous peak in the zig-zag shape. Since 1980, many famous Great Wall researchers and experts have concluded features of Jinshanling Section as following: a site in high sea level with grand view, magnificent style with elaborate architectural art. This part is the essence of the Great Wall of China. It is a tourist spot to see the precious Great Wall scenery.

Standing on the Jinshanling Great Wall, you can appreciate not only the extreme beautiful scenery of northern China, but also historic Great Wall in a mountainous scene. The Great Wall is looked like a dragon that is flying around peaks. The dragon’s head is upward in the peak of Tiger Mountain in the east, while the dragon’s tail is still in the Chaohe River in the west. The Wuling Mountain is hidden behind mountains in the east. And the Wohu Valley is firmly standing in the front of the pass as a tiger to guard the capital. Miyun reservoir in the south is a mirror to reflect the surroundings. Mountains and forests in the north form a sea of trees flowing to the end of sky.
In Jinshanling Section, passes are built in valleys and key places of military. Most of these passes are hard to find because of the military requirement. Small towers which function as detection towers can be found in each dangerous area. Towers in different area are built in different design. Some are two-floors wooden structures; some are brick towers; some are in the square shape; while some are in a round shape... All of these towers are hollow. They were regarded as storehouses in the ancient battle fields. The creative design made enemies confused even thought they had entered into this tower. Enemies were hard to find the right direction and hard to get to the exit when they were in this architecture.
And although these towers are functioned as safeguards, people prefer to add romantic factors by giving each tower a legend and a fantastic name according to its shape. If you think Jinshanling is an ideal place for your China tour, you can consult Top China Travel Agency for further details
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Sophie Huang
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