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Post Time: Nov 25 2011 By Sophie Huang

Chinese  CuisineChinese food is delicious and must count to be amongst the most famous in the world. Sweet and sour pork with egg fried rice is reported to be the second most favourite dish in England. Wow! What ever happened to fish and chips? 
My wonderful Grandmother, whose cooking finesse amounted to roast beef with mushy vegetables, would have been horrified at the thought of Chinese Cuisine, however I know that she would have been easily converted when presented, first with prawn crackers and then my most favourite dish of all 'Gung bo gai ding', better known to one and all as 'Kung Pao Chicken'. My 'piece-de-resistance'.
A few days ago, I served this dish to a bunch of charming Chinese teachers from my school, who had the cheek to scoff at the idea that a westerner could not only cook at all, but cook Chinese? Pah! I'll show them. That night I put my heart and soul into making the best 'Gung bo gai ding' imaginable. They all arrived early, now that in its self was strange, as I am so used to my Chinese friends either arriving an hour early, or an hour late and whisk without a care as if they own the place.
Whilst they had a good old mooch about my apartment, (they love to see how a westerner lives,) With a deep breath and feeling as if I was on show, got on with the cooking.
Beautiful slices of chicken that I had prepared earlier and marinated in a chilli sauce, first went into the wok to cook prior to carrots, chopped onion, rather large red and green peppers that I sliced length ways, very expensive cashew nuts were followed by a tot of English Sherry, just for taste you understand. Ginger, Paprika and several different types of spices joined the mandatory soya sauce. Mouth-watering smells wafted out of the kitchen and into the dining room where my guests were seated, drinking 'Guilin San Hua' the famed local Guilin 'Three Flower Wine'. Whilst I slaved in the kitchen. The lucky people.
All finished, I proudly entered carrying my steaming bowl of 'Gung bo gai ding' to loud exclamations of joy. My Chinese friends can be very noisy and that night was no exception. Animated conversation filled the evening and, much to my satisfaction laughter also. Food is of singular importance and enjoyment to the Chinese, so with words of praise ringing in my ears they waved good night and went on their merry way.
Thankfully that the evening went off well, I collapsed into an arm chair with a well earned glass of Scotch.

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Sophie Huang

Sophie Huang

Position:Sales Manager

Life without friend is death without a witness, while traveling is a good way to make friends. Hence I love traveling. Don't you find that you are having less and less friends while you are focusing on your work? If so, come on, join us! We are Top China Travel, providing you a tailor-made tour to release yourself, enjoy marvelous scenery, experience different culture and custom and meet people.

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