Guangzhou, is not just the wholesale market known by the world, as a modern metropolis, Guangzhou is no shortage of luxury large shopping malls. The Tianhe Square, located in Xincheng District, is the locals proudest shopping center, which collects shopping, rest, entertainment, restaurants together and provides a good shopping environment. The CITIC Plaza nearby is the first choice of upscale shopping.
In Guangzhou, there are numerous distinctive and special commercial streets. Yide Road is famous dried seafood street; the Silk Cotton Market near the train station and the Gaodi Street are occupied by numerous clothing wholesale traders; Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street and Beijing Road Pedestrian Street are both lively civilians shopping streets; the Hualin Jade Market near the Hualin Temple has a monopoly in jade article, santos rose wood, redwood furniture, etc... Top China Travel has listed the Best Shopping Street in Guangzhou for your reference, hence, you can have a good choice for your shopping during your Guangzhou Tours.
Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street is a showcase of traditional Cantonese architecture, especially pretty at night when it's lit up. Prices here are generally lower than Beijing Road, but be prepared to bargain. Remember to visit Liwan Plaza located at 9 Dexing Road on the east end of the street. You will find a good selection of crystal there.
It is the first pedestrian mall approved by the ministry of commerce of china in Guangzhou. Its daily traffic is as high as 600000 person-times. You’d better not look down on this small street, for it is a collection of lingnan architectural culture, lingnan dietary culture and lingnan folk customs.
Beijing Road Pedestrian Street in Guangzhou is a busy place with shoppers packing both sides of the road, and an array of neon lights dazzling your eyes. It has been one of the major commercial streets in Guangzhou. There are a few well preserved ancient stone roads of Song and Yuan Dynasties from 11th to 14th centuries. There are many different business stores, shopping malls, flavor snacks and delicacy plaza.
Many famous brand clothing stores gather together so that you can shop one by one without wasting time. The flavor snacks there you can't find in other places, even though they look like the same, they don't taste as delicious as they are in Beijing Road. People walk along the ancient street and appreciate the variety of life while enjoying their delicacy.
Hualin Jade Market mainly deals in retail, wholesale and jade and jewelry processing. It is said that the history of this street can be traced back to the early Qing Dynasty. At present, hundreds of jade ware stores are found here. Best-quality jades from Burma and Yunnan Province are made into jade bracelets, rings and other wares Beijing Road is simply a must to visit when one is in Guangzhou.
The market covers an area of 10,000 sqm and the vast majority of Guangzhou's jade traders can be found in the area. With an annual turnover exceeding RMB100 million, the market accounts for over 90% of the cities jade sales. Here, one can find not only small jade items costing a few money but also rings, bangles, pendants and sculptures, with price tags ranging from about RMB100 to tens of thousands of yuan.