There are high-speed trains from Guilin to Kunming every day from 7:00 to 18:00. It takes about 5-7 hours to get to Kunming from Guilin.
Guilin Station: neareat railway station in Guilin, near the Guilin downtown
Guilin North Station: 7 kilometers from the Guilin downtown
Guilin-Kunming High-Speed Train Schedule(Updated on Feb, 13, 2025)
Train No. | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
D3903 | 07:13Guilin Bei (North) | 14:38 Kunming Nan (South) | 7h25m |
D3903 | 07:29Guilin | 14:38 Kunming Nan (South) | 7h9m |
D3949 | 09:08Guilin Bei (North) | 15:45 Kunming | 6h37m |
D3949 | 09:08Guilin Bei (North) | 15:21 Kunming Nan (South) | 6h13m |
G408 | 15:10Guilin Xi (West) | 19:43 Kunming Nan (South) | 4h33m |
G2936 | 17:52Guilin Xi (West) | 23:04 Kunming Nan (South) | 5h12m |
1. Booking an original train is easier than booking a passing-by train. Train ticket 30 days in advance at most. TCT suggests travellers to book train ticket as early as you can, in case of the availability of the ticket. There are four way for guests to buy train ticket in China: buy ticket at the Railway Station, online, by telephone or through travel agencies. More useful information you can find at page How to Book China Train Tickets.
2. Generally, the seats on the ordinary train in China have tow types including soft seat and hard seat. Train sleepers are classified into two types: soft sleeper and hard sleeper. Hard sleeper has three sub-categories: upper hard sleeper, middle hard sleeper and lower hard sleeper; Soft sleeper has two sub-categories: upper soft sleeper and lower soft sleeper (better). If you take an over-night train or long distance train, you would better buy a ticket for soft sleeper to make your trip more comfortable.
3. In China, taking a train is a comparative cheaper way to cut down the travel cost. While correspondingly, the comfortable level is lower than by air.
Luggage: you need to take the luggages by yourself and keep an eye of them on transporting time, no luggage-checking service on the train
Carriage: it may be crowded when in the domestic travel seasons as well as summer holidays.
Best Time to Visit Kunming: