Generally, Hong Kong Dollar or HKD (HK$) is the legal currency of Hong Kong. Notes are in denominations of HKD 1,000, 500, 100, 50, 20 and 10. Coins are in denominations of HKD 10, 5, 2 and 1, and 50, 20 and 10 cents. Use our Currency Converter & Calculator to see the actual rates.
In Hongkong and Macau, Chinese currency (RMB) is acceptable by some of shops and restaurants as well. In most cases, Hong Kong Dollars are used, and US Dollars, Euros, Japanese Yen, and RMB can also be used.
If you do need to exchange money, do it in the Bank of China or at the star-rated hotel. Beware of people on the street side who offer services of money exchange. You may change some Hong Kong Dollar in your country before coming to Hong Kong. There are currency exchange offices at the Hong Kong Airport Hall, Lo Wu Customs, and Sheung Wan Ferry Terminal.
Besides, it is very convenient for you to change your money to Hong Kong Dollar when you are in HK. All banks and those superior hotels, and some shops which run the foreign business may also help you to change foreign currency. USD/EU/GBP/AUD/JPY and other main type of currency in the world are acceptable in converting.
When you are shopping check your change carefully - if you are using large denomination bills, make sure that you get good, clean and genuine notes in your change. You can always ask for different change if you are not satisfied.