The distance between Xian to Huangshan is approximately 837 km. There are flights and high speed trains serving during this journey so far. Currently, the most convenient way to travel from Xian to Huangshan is via airplanes.
For anyone needs to travel from Xian to Huangshan by flight, the content below might help you. Xian has only one airport so far which is the Xian Xianyang International Airport ( IATA code:XIY). It is 47 km away from the City center and hasn’t reached by any of their subway lines yet. You could take No.2 subway to the Xian North Railway Station and get an airport shuttle bus there to the airport. The whole trip will take about one hour.
Currently the Beijing Capital Airlines is only airline serving this journey. It goes every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The departure time will be 12:35 and estimated arrival time is 14:40 with duration of 2 hour and 5 minutes. JD5105 will be the plane code you are searching for and the flights fare will be around 530-800 Yuan. Below is the listed timetable for your reference.
Flight from Xian to Huangshan
Departure Airport: Xi'an Xianyang International Airport
Arrival Airport: Huangshan Tunxi Airport
Airline |
Flight No. |
Departure & Arrival time |
Price |
Duration |
Schedule |
Capital Airline |
JD5105 |
12:35——14:40 |
¥530 |
2h5m |
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday |
Flight from Huangshan to Xian
Flying from Huangshan to Xian will be the same airline service but the departure and estimated arrival time is 23:05. JD5106 will be the plane code you are searching for and the flights fare will be 530-800. Time schedule is the same which are Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Departure Airport: Huangshan Tunxi International Airport
Arrival Airport: Xi'an Xianyang International Airport
Airline |
Flight No. |
Departure & Arrival time |
Price |
Duration |
Schedule |
Capital Airline |
JD5106 |
20:55——23:05 |
¥530 |
2h10m |
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday |
TCT suggests ensuring the flight information by visit airline official website. We will take no responsibility if you apply the flight information on this page as your planned flight.
The above flight information is updated to 2020-3-24, which might be fluctuating according to seasonal demand. Therefore we suggest you check it yourself before you finalize your travel date and destination.
For anyone needs to travel from Xian to Huangshan by train, the content below might help you.
There are high speed trains running between Xian and Huangshan. Xian North Railway Station is the high speed train station. Luckier than the airport, the railway station has subways covering there. You can take the No.2 subway line from city centre and get off at Xian North Railway stop. This trip will take 28 minutes with a ticket fare of only 3 Yuan.
From Xian to Huangshan, the travel time will be about 7h-10h and the ticket fare is 660.5 for a second class seat. It departs at 7:15 to 11:40 am. You should be aware of that there are only three trains set off every day. Below is the timetable of the Xian to Huangshan train for your reference.
Departure Station: Xian North Railway Station
Arrival Station: Huangshan North Railway Station
Train No. |
Arrival Time | Departure Time | Duration |
Business Class Seat |
First/Second Class Seat |
G2390 | 07:15 | 17:09 | 09:54 | ¥1992.5 | ¥1024.5/¥638.5 |
G3186 | 08:58 | 15:55 | 06:57 | ¥2056.5 | ¥1070/ ¥660.5 |
G862 | 11:40 | 19:21 | 07:41 | ¥2056.5 | ¥1070/ ¥660.5 |
From Huangshan to Xian, the travel time will be 7 hours to 10 hours. The departure time and arrival time are slightly different which are 09:30, 11:26 and 13:51 respectively. Again, there are three trains per day only. Below is the timetable of the Xian to Huangshan train for your reference.
Departure Station: Huangshan North Railway Station
Arrival Station: Xian North Railway Station
Train No. |
Arrival Time | Departure Time | Duration |
Business Class Seat |
First/Second Class Seat |
G2389 | 09:30 | 10:00 | 10:00 | ¥1992.5 | ¥1024.5/¥638.5 |
G3184 | 11:26 | 19:03 | 07:37 | ¥2056.5 | ¥1070/ ¥660.5 |
G860 | 13:51 | 21:18 | 07:27 | ¥2056.5 | ¥1070/ ¥660.5 |
1. Booking an original train is easier than booking a passing-by train. You can book a train ticket 30 days in advance at most. Above train schedule and fares are just for your reference, while they may change over time, you need to check them again.
2. The main difference between a first class seat and a second class seat is the space for legs. According to our experience, the second class seats are reasonably suitable for most of our customers.
3. Generally, the seats on the train in China may have two types including soft seat and hard seat. Also, there are two kinds of sleeper seats on China's trains which are hard sleeper seat and soft sleeper seat. Hard sleeper seats are divided into upper hard sleeper, middle hard sleeper and lower hard sleeper (lower hard sleeper is the best); while soft sleeper seats are divided into upper soft sleeper and lower soft sleeper (lower soft sleeper is better).
5 Days Huangshan & Xin’an River Trekking Tour
Huangshan City, Xin’an River, Mt. Huangshan