As there are lots of benefits from hiking, senior travelers can’t miss the chance to enjoy the fresh air and gorgeous natural sceneries. With various trails, China is a great place for seniors to go for a hike. Hiking in China won’t be difficult, you can totally choose some easy hiking trails for an exercise, such as hiking on the Great Wall or even a local park. Here are some basic hiking tips in China for seniors:
Check with your doctor ahead of time if you’re planning a hike. Make sure your physical condition is fine to get out for a hike. You’d better start walking every day and give yourself some time to prepare, because practice hikes are essential for seniors to have a physical preparation. Always let someone know the specific place you are going to and when you’ll come back, a safe trip is the key.
Always check the weather forecast before you get out, and dress appropriately. You definitely want to avoid terrible weather and unexpected challenges. Comfortable clothing will be your first choice, as you don’t need anything fancy for hiking. The best way is to dress in layers so that you can easily change clothes.
Usually a pair of hiking boots will be good, and it will be more comfortable to choose a half size bigger. A new pair of shoes won’t be great for you, it’s better to break in your boots when you do practice hikes.
Dress Comfortable Clothing
As your safety always comes first, a right route which is suitable for you is really important. Route suits other people may not be the best option for you, you’d better search for some information before you make a decision. Never force yourself to go beyond your comfort level, instead, pick the right one for yourself. Please feel free to let us know if you need any recommendations.
Never skip a few warm-up stretches before you hike. Every time you start to hike, spend at least 5 minutes to do some simple stretches, for your arms, neck and waist. Don’t push yourself too hard.
You don’t have to be pressured to keep up with other people, just keep your own pace. According to your physical condition, it’s quite important to find a hiking rhythm that works the best for you. Pay attention to your breath and slow down if you breath heavily, take a break every now and then. Additionally, drink plenty of water to prevent yourself from dehydrated.
By using a walking stick or hiking poles, you may easily keep yourself balanced. Meanwhile, a walking stick or hiking poles really make a difference along the trail, they could help your feet up the hill and reduce knee vibration and damage to your body down the hill. For senior travelers, either of them will be helpful.
A Walking Stick or Hiking Poles will be helpful
Except for the right clothing, you may also need sunscreen, sunglasses, hat, raincoat, enough water and refreshment. Make a packing list ahead of time, so that you won’t forget something necessary. A suitable lightweight backpack will be perfect for seniors. It’s better to carry a first-aid kit in case of an emergency, a small pack will be great. Most importantly, make sure your cellphones function well wherever you go, so that you could contact someone for help.
Senior travelers are not encouraged to hike alone. Once you decide to get out for a hike, you can think about hiking with a group, it is a wonderful opportunity for you to learn more about hiking and discover something interesting along the road.
Hike with Top China Travel
A safe hike is the most important thing. For more hiking tips in China for seniors, please feel free to contact Top China Travel. Don’t hesitate to create your own hiking tour in China, for there are plenty of advantages by choosing an ideal travel agency.
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