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Things to Know Before Trekking in Yubeng Village

1. How to Get to the Trekking Starting Point (西当 Xidang)?

There is a daily bus departing from Lijiang Bus Station(丽江客运站)to Deqin Bus Station(德钦客运站)at 9:00 AM. The journey takes about 8 hours, arriving around 5:00 PM. The ticket costs 122 yuan. From Deqin Bus Station, you need to travel another 40-50 km to Xidang, where you can rent a vehicle to reach the starting point.

2. How Should I Handle My Luggage During the Yubeng Trek?

a. Most Economical Option: Store unnecessary large luggage at your accommodation the day before entering Yubeng, such as in Feilai Temple or Deqin County. Travel light into Yubeng and retrieve your stored luggage after exiting.

b. Bringing Large Luggage into Yubeng: If you've decided to bring large luggage into Yubeng, it's recommended to take an off-road vehicle into the area. When exiting Yubeng through the Ninong Gorge, you can hire a horse or mule to carry your luggage out, which saves effort but can be more expensive.

3. Is My Body Fit for Trekking in Yubeng?

a. General Trekking Difficulty: Yubeng is often considered a beginner-friendly route, but it isn't easy, especially given the high altitude. However, as long as you don't suffer from altitude sickness and have decent physical fitness, you should be able to complete the trek.

b. Signs of Altitude Sickness: Symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, chest tightness, insomnia, nausea, bluish lips, loss of appetite, and general fatigue may indicate altitude sickness. Immediate medical attention is necessary, as severe cases can lead to pulmonary edema. Symptoms usually diminish as you descend to a lower altitude.

♦ Tips to Prevent Altitude Sickness:

  • Stay calm and relaxed: Keep a calm mindset and avoid excessive worry or excitement, as mental stress can contribute to altitude sickness.
  • Avoid Intense Exercise: During the first few days at high altitude, avoid strenuous activity to prevent rapid depletion of oxygen in the body.
  • Avoid Bathing in the First Few Days: Refrain from washing your hair or taking a bath until your body has adjusted to the altitude, as heating your body and opening pores can accelerate oxygen consumption.
  • Stay Hydrated: The dry environment at high altitudes can cause discomfort, so drinking water regularly can help prevent related symptoms.
  • Diet: Eat easily digestible foods rich in vitamin C, and avoid overeating. If you experience mild altitude sickness, such as dizziness or nausea, consume carbohydrate-rich liquids like rice porridge or oatmeal.
  • Dress Appropriately: The temperature can vary greatly between morning and night. Keep warm and avoid getting wet, as wind and rain exposure, especially on your head, can worsen altitude sickness.
  • Carry Glucose Water: Having glucose water on hand can increase your body's oxygen levels.

3. Are There Any Other Important Things to Note?

Yubeng is not yet a fully self-guided tourist destination. The trekking paths have poor signal reception and can be challenging, increasing the risk of getting lost. It is advisable to join a group tour organized by a reputable travel agency.

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Cultural Customs and Taboos:

  • When pointing to a mountain peak, do so with your fingers together and your palm facing up.
  • Walk clockwise around white towers, prayer flag towers, and mani stone piles.
  • On paths lined with mani stone piles, pass them on the left side, not the right as we might be accustomed to.
  • If prayer flags are hung low, do not step over them; instead, lift the flags with your hand and pass underneath.
  • Do not smoke or use the bathroom near sacred sites such as the Sacred Waterfall.
  • Protecting the Environment: Yubeng is a pristine and isolated place, which is part of its charm. To preserve this beauty, please do not litter. There are green trash bins located throughout the area. Carry a plastic bag for your garbage and dispose of it properly.

4. When is the Best Time to See the Sunrise on Meili Snow Mountain?

Winter (December to March): Best season to see snow-covered mountains and the sunrise on Meili Snow Mountain. Daytime is warm under the sun, but temperatures drop below freezing at night.

Spring (April to May): Occasional snowfall and blooming rhododendrons make it a great time to visit. Daytime temperatures are warm, but nights can be cold (0-10°C).

Summer (June to September): Green trees and occasional rain, with mushrooms growing in the forests. It's also a good time to see the summer Milky Way. Daytime is warm, and nights are slightly cool (around 10°C).

Autumn (October to November): Stable weather with yellowing trees, making it a great time to see autumn colors, snow mountains, and the Milky Way. Daytime is warm, and nights are slightly cool (0-5°C).