Xian and Zhangjiajie are both hot destinations for tourists from domestic and abroad. Here, you will find some information about flight from Xian to Zhangjiajie and also there are tips for travel to the two cities. Hopping these are helpful to you China tour.
About Zhangjiajie: Located in northwestern Hunan Province, Wulingyuan in Xian has been included in the World Heritage List and appraised as a national 5A scenic area. The master work of nature in Wulingyuan features thousands of sheer mountain peaks in red color, clear streams and primeval forests, which are ideal havitats of rare animals and birds.
About Xian: Xian, steeped in history and still giving up secrets, is your gateway to ancient Chinese civilization. In its 3,100 recorded years of evolution, it has been home to 13 dynasties, including the Zhou, Qin, Han, the Sui, and Tang dynasties, periodically from the 11th century B.C. to the early 10th century AD. As one of the most important cradles of Chinese civilization, it marked the start of the famous "Silk Road" that linked China with central Asia and the Roman Empire.
► Depart from: Xian Xianyang International Airport (XIY)
► Arrive at: Zhangjiajie Hehua International Airport (DYG)
►For ensuring flight information can visit:
Sichuan Airlines: http://old.scal.com.cn/
China Eastern Airlines: http://www.ceair.com/
Beijing Capital Airlines: http://www.capitalairlines.com.cn/
China Express Airlines: https://www.chinaexpressair.com/
The above information of flight from Xian to Zhangjiajie is listed for your reference and subjected to change without advance notification from TCT. We suggest ensuring the flight information (including flight frequency and exactly flight schedule) by visiting airline official website or consulting with your TCT tour advisors separately. TCT has no responsibility on any loss caused by using the above information directly without checking or consulting.
Domestic Travel High Season
The most crowded seasons in China are Chinese Spring Festival (usually in late Jan or early Feb.), International Labor Day (May 01 to 03) and National Day (Oct 01-07). Spring Festival and the National Day golden week are the most crowded time for travelling. Unfortunately, this also means fares may end up rising.
Best Travel Time:
♦Travel to Zhangjiajie: visitors can travel to Xian all year around. But if visitors want to see the most beautiful scenery of there, the best season to go is from April to October. These months are golden time for travelers. With fewer misty days and rainy days, the weather will be fine and last for a long time. Be careful of the cold night in autumn season.
♦Travel to Xian: From spring (March) to autumn (November), especially June, July, August and September, is the perfect time to visit to Xian. In these months, the weather is fine. And you can spend most of your day outdoor.
► More transportation information:Xian Transportation