Transport from Lanzhou to Zhangye will offer the Lanzhou to Zhangye Transport information including Lanzhou to Zhangye Train and Flight schedules and more details about it.
Departure Station: Lanzhou Railway Station
Arrival Station: Zhangye Railway Station
Train No.
Departure Time
Arrival Time
Running Time
T9205 (Fastest One)
4 h 56 m
03:23 (+1day)
5 h 23 m
5 h 23 m
5 h 50 m
6 h 26 m
K9661 (Lowest One)
04:30 (+1day)
6 h 45 m
Attentions: Train Schedule of Lanzhou to Zhangye is for your reference only. Please check the ticket information including the tickets fares at the railway station or by your TCT tour advisors separately.
Notes for Booking Train Tickets
1. Booking an original train is easier than booking a passing-by train. You can book a train ticket 10 days in advance at most.
2. Generally, the seats on the train in China have tow types including soft seat and hard seat. Also, there are two kinds of sleeper seats on China's trains which are hard sleeper seat and soft sleeper seat. Hard sleeper seats are divided into upper hard sleeper, middle hard sleeper and lower hard sleeper (lower hard sleeper is the best); while soft sleeper seats are divided into upper soft sleeper and lower soft sleeper (lower soft sleeper is better).
3. In China, taking a train is a comparative cheaper way to cut down the travel cost. While correspondingly, the comfortable level is lower than by air.
Luggage: you need to take the luggage by yourself and keep an eye of them on transporting time, no luggage-checking service on the train.
Carriage: it may be crowded when in the domestic travel seasons as well as summer holidays.
► Depart from: Lanzhou Zhongchuan Airport (LHW)
► Arrive at: Zhangye Airport (YZY)
Flight No.
Flights Schedule
Tianjin Airlines
1 h
1, 3, 5, 7
For ensuring flight information can visit:
Tianjin Airlines:
► The above information is listed for your reference and subjected to change without advance notification from TCT. We suggest ensuring the flight information (including flight frequency and exactly flight schedule) by visiting airline official website or consulting with your TCT tour advisors separately. TCT has no responsibility on any loss caused by using the above information directly without checking or consulting.
Tips for travelling to Lanzhou and Zhangye
Best Time to Visit Lanzhou:
The best time to visit Lanzhou is from May to October. During this period, the weather is more comfortable. Just like other cities in North China, Lanzhou has long summer and winter, short spring and autumn.
Best Time to Visit Zhangye:
The best time to visit Zhangye is from June to September, when the rainfall is relatively concentrated. During this period, it is moist and cool that makes people feel more comfortable during the journey.
Try to Avoid domestic travel seasons
The most crowded seasons in China are Chinese Spring Festival (usually in late Jan or early Feb.), International Labour Day (May 01 to 03) and National Day (Oct 01-07). Spring Festival and the National Day golden week are the most crowded time for travelling.
► More transportation information: Zhangye Transportation
►Recommended China Tour to Zhangye:
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