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Have a soul tour to Ngari Tibet

Post Time: Nov 30 2012 By Sophie Huang

 If you want to find a land to clean your spirits, go to Ngari. It will be a soul tour in Ngari in Tibet because of the holy atmosphere which just can be found there.

Ngari in Tibet, the original palace of some famous Asian ranges including Himalayas, Changtse, Kunlun Mountains and Karakoram. Ngari in Tibet, the sources of some famous Asian rivers including the Yarlung Zangbo River, Indian River, Ganges River. Ngari in Tibet, the center of the home for world’s religious spirits including Indian Buddhism, Jainism, Tiberian Bonism, and Tibetan Buddhism.
This is Ngari, a land familiar with some people while strange with others. Familiar with some well-known people in the world who may come from Ngari, while strange for the place that could not search clearly on the google map.
Ngari, the westest area in Tibet, is connecting with India, Nepal, and some other areas. The less population here because of the comparative higher altitude with about 4,500 meters above the sea level. Reputed as the top of the roof range of the world.
In this high altitude, the seasons differences in this place just can be distinguished by hot, hotter, sunburn, more sunburn; or cold, colder, frozen, more frozen. Even the Tibetan local driver may also get a slight high altitude sickness.
Because it is Ngari, no green color but white snow all the time, no farmland but rocks here and there, no joyful birds but strong eagles in the sky, no leisure animals but offensive beasts here. Ngari is a place not friendly to human being even most creatures in the world, but it still attract most dream finders to come to here. The most crystal picturesque scenery here is the most worthy thing for the soul.
In my trip to Ngari, I had followed the footprints of pilgrimagers. A visit to the holy mountain Mount Kailash and the holy lake Lake Manasorovar let me to find the real quietness in the life. Along the road, the Ruins of the Guge Kingdom told me an ancient story, the butter tea in the tent said welcome to visit, the unique dance only can be seen on the grassland expressed Tibetan spirit freely.
The road from Shigatse to Ngari is extremely amazing! No one will still be calm down when on this road!

We started to drive to Ngari in the morning time. The fine day make the colors of the scenery more colorful! 

Sooooo Beautiful! Hard to describe it! Does any one have an idea to be here? We stopped for many times on the road just for the scenery.

Just few minutes to take the photo but a lifetime to memory it!

This road was built to served just in recent year. Although it was cut down many transporting time but also cut down our appreciating time to the scenery. Sometimes, I admired those people who cucled or even hiked to Ngari. May be they had to be more tired than me but they could caught more joys and funs than me! I respected the people who built this road very much!

Not only the scenery, but also the villages, the Buddhist pagodas, the monasteries, even this pilgrimage family were impressive to me deeply!

After driving for 4 hours, we arrived this county named Zhongba. It was the westest county of Shigatse. During the break of lunch time, I just strolled around this place.

Only 15min could walk around this place totally. People there just enjoyed their leisure time with the very familiar sunshine.

A strange thing for me was that billiard ball was a common entertainment in most areas of Tibet. It was hard for me to image that almost children could play this activity well.

Departed Zhongba, we continued to drive on the road. Blue sky, white clouds, yellow soil, all of these were company with us. May be they were still in the original appearance, but they had been put into my mind and kept in my lifetime!
Drove to the frontier inspection station and then we entered into Ngari formally.
In front of us, the blue belt was the first lake we met in Ngari “Gongzhu Lake”.

The child ran along the lake, the sheep found food at the foot of mountain, the women walked on this road all expressed their hospitality of us.

Ngari, I was coming! 

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Sophie Huang

Sophie Huang

Position:Sales Manager

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