I would like to ask you whether you are able to organize a Xinjiang (North and Northwest) tour from September 15-29 -2014 according to the following itinerant schedule. Currently we have approximately 12 people interested in this trip. The ages of the group are from 60 to over 70, but all of us are in good health. I hope that the chosen bus routes should not be too bumpy.
If you can,
1. Could you quote us the price /person including the best available hotel and the round trip-airfare from Beijing to Urumuqi.
2. Let us know the guideline for tipping the tour guide and the bus driver.
3. You are welcome to give your opinion about out travel itinerant, and you may revise it.
Day 1 北京飞乌鲁木齐,接机住酒店。
Day 2 早餐后,乘车前往天池景区,后赴富蕴,途中参观火烧山,卡拉麦里自然保护区,富蕴县。(行车6-7个小时左右)
Day 3 早餐后参观可可托海景区,后乘车赴布尔津,宿布尔津。(行车3-4个小时)
Day 4 早餐后乘车赴喀纳斯景区参观,(神仙湾,卧龙湾,月亮湾),宿喀纳斯。(3.5个小时)
Day 5 早餐后继续进喀纳斯景区参观,登观鱼亭,图瓦人家访,宿喀纳斯。
Day 6 早餐后乘车赴克拉玛依,途中参观五彩滩,魔鬼城景区,宿克拉玛依。(行车6-7个小时)
Day 7 早餐后乘车前往伊宁,途中参观赛里木湖,霍尔果斯口岸。宿伊宁市。(行车7个小时左右)
Day 8 早餐后参观巴音布鲁克草原,宿白天鹅宾馆。(行车5.5个小时)
Day 9 早餐后参观乘车参观那拉提景区,宿那拉提。(行车1.5个多小时)
**Day 10 早餐后乘车赴巩留县,参观库尔德宁景区,(有几十公里石子路gravel road)宿巩留。(行车4个小时)
Day 11 早餐后乘车参观惠远古城,乘车赴克拉玛依,宿酒店。(行车6个小时左右)
Day 12 早餐后车赴乌鲁木齐,入住酒店。(往返行车3个多小时)
Day 13 早餐后车赴观交河故城,坎儿井,苏公塔,返回乌鲁木齐。(往返行车5个多小时)
Day 14 早餐后乘飞机返回